Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 girls that became Phenomenal Women....

Sweet Innocent Child:
A young girl woke up middle in the night to use the bathroom. To her surprise she could not get in the bathroom. She frantically looked in everyroom but could not find anyone. Her little brother was asleep, and she figured her mom was asleep but she could not be found. The little girl went back to the bathroom. This time she was able to push the door back just enough to see her mother laying beside toilet with a needle stuck in arm. She began to cry as she tried to push the door open, but her mother's foot would not allow her to open the door. At this point she thought her mother was dead, so she immediately went to get her brother. Her brother was just 1 years old and she was only 6 years old. She woke her brother up out of her deep sleep, and got him dressed. She was determined to find help for her and her brother. With confidence she opened up the front door, not knowing were she was going. God kept her and her brother as she walked down a dark street in the cool night air. Her brother was crying because of the uncertainty. As she continued to walk down the street a neighbor spotted the small children and ran out to get them. The young girl said my mom is dead and I have to find help for me and my brother. The neighbor went back to the young girls house and immediately called the ambulance. At this point the young girl was very confused but happy the neighbor had helped. Everyday the little girl was not sure what to expect on a daily basis. The only thing that stayed on her mind was making sure her brother was ok.She strived for excellence, but in the back of her mind she vividly saw the needle and eventually new that her mom was on drugs. How exactly is she Phenomenal. She is Phenomenal because inspite of all the confusion she tapped into her divinity to be strong for her and her brother, and she never gave up on her mother even battling what she saw that night.

Letters to A Father:
A teenage girl began to write this letter, not exactly sure were to start. Her dad had been in jail for quite some time. While he was in jail, her life seem to fly by with decisions and choices that consumed her mind. She asked Why Daddy did you have to leave me? Why Daddy does life have to be this way? Why Daddy have you not been here for me? Why Daddy when I cried and screamed you could not save me? With anger the words were like fire to the paper, as her eyes filled with tears she could not explain the feeling. Although in every letter she felt her father's love but just could not grasp the fact that he was not in her life at the time she needed him the most. Decisions were made based on these feelings. After the decisions she became angry. Angry at her life and Angry at her dad. How exactly is she Phenomenal. She is Phenomenal because inspite of all the feeling of neglect she tapped into who she truly was, while becoming a woman. Realizing the first man she loved was in and out of her life, she strongly desired that the man she would choose would not display the same behavoirs that would make her feel neglected. She never gave up on her dad, even after every letter.

Just another Baby Momma- Correction Just another Phenomenal Momma
Battling the decisions of no wanting to have children before being established. Battling the decisions of not really being sure if this was truly the one for her. Realizing that society would just give her another name. Tired and confused of life that somehow led her to her breaking point. Every day she would search deep within to try and understand everything that had happened. One day may feel like heaven and the next day like hell. Seeking validation without the revelation. Wanting and needing to feel love, but never really seeking unconditional love. Love built on broken promises that seemed to linger in her heart, suddenly one day she had relived her childhood. When she looked at the young man she knew that she loved him more than he even loved himself. There was still something missing to this equation. Oh how the young woman prayed that she would never encounter these feelings again, suddenly she knew that her healing was in the midst. For years she had given up so many times, overwhelmed by the so many lies. Realizing what has consumed his soul has become deeper that what once was. Why me she asked God. As she searched for the answer she knew that it would be hard. To love is a beautiful thing, but when you reach the point of coldness the love is lost in the cold rain. The rain had become her tears of pain until she realized that she needed to pray. The young woman knew that God had delivered her from the same pain that she experienced from her parents. The curse has to be broken is what she thought, but first she had to forgive and let go and let God. How exactly is she Phenomenal. She is Phenomenal because she allowed God to take over while accepting the serenity prayer. She began to pray: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference...

May God Bless you in a special way, and remember you are PHENOMENAL

Peace and Blessings